Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Life is a Journey! Not a Destination.
So often we seem to think that life is a destination. For example, I have on more than one occasion in the past said that I am going to do this or that when I get to my ideal weight, when I get a new job, when I get married, when I move, oh and my favorite next week or on Monday - whatever the "destination" might be. My husband, for example, always says he will go on vacation, go to dinner, play golf, learn to play the Saxophone I bought him for his birthday last year - whatever the activity may be - when he retires. He is TOO busy now - or so he says - to do any of these things. I keep telling him that life is a journey and the destination is not retirement. And, that in not doing things he enjoys NOW that he is not getting to his destination because the only destination there is is NOW. I have learned over the last few years on my "weight
release journey" that life is just that a journey - with highs and lows,
laughter and tears. So many people think that when they get to a certain point in their life, their life will be just they way the want it to be - in other words "perfect." But, I have learned that enjoying every day to it's fullest is the goal - the destination so to speak. I know I have written about this before and the reason I probably keep feeling compelled to keep writing about it is that I need to remind myself that life is a journey, not a destination. And, that I need to take time each and every day (I probably should say each and every minute!) to be right where I am observing, participating, being, enjoying this life right NOW - not my life tomorrow or next year or next week. So, today I made an effort to enjoy my day. It was a pretty busy day - leading a conference call in the morning, then recapping for the participants, numerous phone calls about real estate, marketing, etc., studying for my Holistic Health Coaching Certification for a hour or so, preparing to teach my Small Business Management Class, and then picking up my granddaughter from school. I really worked on being present in all the moments of this day. And, I found I was more alert and creative on the conference call, digested more of my study material, and I think I have a great class planned for tonight, plus I had a great time with Makayla. I was even able to take in the beauty of the flowers in my yard because when we arrived at my house she wanted to see if there were any birds nests in the yard. I might have just told her to go look herself, but instead I went with her and really enjoyed the beauty of the flowers, plants, beautiful blue sky and perfect weather. Then I came into my office and decided to write about it here. Now I am off to teach my class - at which I plan to be completely present and observant. What I great day I have had on this journey called life! How was this day in the journey of your life?
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