Monday, March 5, 2012

Sugar Sucks!

I attended a conference for my holistic health coaching school The Institute of Integrative Nutrition over the weekend in Long Beach. And, it was the most AWESOME experience ever! Great speakers, wonderful energy and 4000 like-minded people made for a uplifting and informative weekend.

My biggest take away from the conference was that Sugar Sucks! Sad to say, but true. Thanks to lectures by Julia Ross , John Robbins, Mark Sisson, Paul Pitchford and David Wolf
I am now convinced that sugar REALLY is the devil. One of the lectures actually revealed that sugar used to be a controlled substance under lock and key, and that sugar is four times more addictive than cocaine. WOW! That is crazy! Isn't it?

I am pretty sure that I am a sugar addict! Argh! I am going to be working on that for sure! And, according to many sugar is not just sugar that we know as cane sugar, or beet sugar or even the extra evil high fructose corn syrup, but also the refined carbs like my beloved pasta (Which turns to sugar in your mouth. Again, crazy!) and even whole wheat pasta. Anyone that knows me knows I love my pasta. Well, now I am really sure that I must cut way back on my consumption of pasta. Plus, wheat in the U.S. is way more glutenous than in other places around the world.

So, the moral here is read those labels and don't buy products with added sugar (of any kind) in them. Better than that the moral is eat REAL FOOD - vegetables - there are hundreds of different types - try a new one a week, fruit - again there are hundreds of varieties, and healthy fats - avocado, coconut or olive oil, and eat a very moderate amount of protein - mostly fish or eggs, followed by chicken and turkey and a very little beef (if you do eat it at all). Of course, we all need a little treat every now and then. But, the key here is have that treat only on occasion. 

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