Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What good is knowledge without action? Why did I eat that Oreo?

I saw this graphic today, and thought that it was a great topic for my blog because I am the queen of knowledge about food, diet, exercise, etc., and I hate to admit that I don't always do what I know.

For example, I know what to eat. But, do I eat healthy all the time? No. I started to ponder this, and wondered why it is with all my knowledge I don't eat healthy all the time. I know what all the chemicals and bad ingredients, and sugar and gluten can do to a person's health. I know the ravages and disease that eating poorly can cause.

So, why did I eat that Oreo? - I don't even like Oreos. This is a funny story - well sort of. I bought about seven different types of Oreo products for a teaching demonstration I was doing for a job interview. Yes. A job interview for another adjunct professor position. YAY! That's another story. Anyway, I bought these Oreos to describe what a product line is - basically it is all of the products under one brand name - in this case the Oreo brand name. Did you know that there are 96 different types of Oreo products? That's a blog post of its own! I thought having the actual products - mint Oreos, mini Oreos, Oreo ice cream sandwiches, etc. to show during my teaching demonstration would make the concept easier to understand. And, it did. They loved it! I tried to leave the Oreos with the Dean who interviewed me, but he said I should keep them and use them in my class. So, I kept them. They sat on my credenza in my office for about three days, until one day while I was stressing about something I ate one mint Oreo, then another, then another, and another until I had eaten about six of the little buggers. I closed up the package and went back to work. Then later that night. I saw the package again and ate another six or so of the little devils. And, the next morning I had three. What was wrong with me?

Now in looking back at what happened, I believe that the best solution for eating clean and healthy is to not let the unhealthy foods into your life. Just like unhealthy relationships. (I did eventually throw out the whole lot of Oreos, but not before I had devoured a few more.) So, having the knowledge isn't all there is to the equation. The action part of the equation is to not allow the unhealthy foods in your life. Yes. You will be tempted at parties and when you go out to dinner to make an unhealthy choice, but that's where planning comes in. But, why would you allow the crappy death producing foods into your home. For the most part I don't allow them into my home. I buy healthy foods like chicken, fish, lots of vegetables and fruits, and healthy grains like oatmeal, brown rice and quinoa. I try to limit processed foods of any kind, and if I do by anything processed I read the label and look for something that has less than five ingredients or at least something where I know what all the ingredients are in the product. Or at least that is what I try to do.

So, throw out all the processed crappy food in your house NOW. Yes. I know you spent money on it, but at what cost for the future. It will cost you more in the future if you eat it now. So, get rid of all the "Oreos" and other crap in your pantry, and don't replace it.

I know sometimes we all want something sweet, but don't eat those crappy processed, non-food sweets. I will be posting some recipes for some healthy sweet treats soon.

Happy pantry purging!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Enjoy Your Vacation without Gaining a Pound

I'm leaving on Friday to go to my step-daughter's graduation. And, I want to make sure I make healthy choices while I am on vacation. I don't want to use this time for a free for all - something I have done way too many times in the past! But, on the other hand I don't want to miss out on a fantastic local dish or meal. So, I came up with these tips for myself that might help you too.

· Pack some healthy snacks for the plane ride.

· Indulge in local delicacies in moderation. Split your meal with someone or only eat half of your scrumptious local meal.

· Have a healthy breakfast every morning, even if you are eating out. It is possible to get oatmeal with fruit, or a healthy omelet at most restaurants. Don't opt for the Eggs Benedict (This suggestion is for me! haha) just because you are on vacation.

· Take some snacks with you - some almonds, an apple or  Lara Bars - something portable just in case you get famished on your journey. You don't want to be heading to the snack bar at the airport or the first fast food restaurant you see because you need to eat now!

· If you have a dessert, split it with someone.

· If you have a cocktail, make sure it is something light like a light beer or a white wine. Stay away from sugary, umbrella-adorned cocktails like Margaritas, etc. Drink a glass of water between cocktails.

· Be as active as you can - go on a bike ride, walk around the city and take in the sights - to burn off those extra calories you might consume.

· Check out the local market when you arrive and buy some healthy snacks for your hotel room so you don't raid the mini bar.

· Don't be afraid to ask the waiter if they have any healthy choices on the menu. Many restaurants offer a healthy selection or two.

· Drink plenty of water. Lots and lots of water. Buy some bottled water at the local market when you arrive, so you can carry them with you on your travels.

With these tips - I plan to keep on track on my vacation. And, not gain a pound! And, you can too! Bon Voyage!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Yummy Juice Recipe

Thought you might me interested in this juice recipe.  I have been trying to get a least one homemade juice into my daily menu - usually for my morning snack.

Mid Morning Pick Me Up

2 celery stalks
1/2 small cucumber
1 apple
1 pear
handful of kale
1/2 beet

Juice it all together, add some ice and enjoy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Is Planning Beneficial in Releasing Weight? I think it is key!

I think planning is most definitely a must when trying to release weight. I know that when I don't plan I am much more likely to make a bad choice, like ordering Scampi with Creamy Fettuccine Alfredo Sauce (I confess I did this just the other night! Argh!) instead of a healthier Mediterranean Chicken with Roasted Peppers and Couscous disch while out to dinner, or never getting to the gym. When I make a plan I stick to it (most of the time), when I don't all bets are off. Who knows what could happen!!  I might make a good choice and I might not. When I don't plan, I have a hard time not being tempted and a hard time making healthier choices (this probably goes back to the habits discussion).

What can you do to start planning and succeeding in your weight loss plan?

Plan your Eating
First of all, I would suggest planning your weekly meals on the weekend. That way you will have time to shop for the needed ingredients, and look at the week ahead. If you have a lunch to attend - look at the menu of the restaurant online before going. That way you won't be tempted to get the special instead of the healthy choice on the menu.  Usually I write my menu out for the week on Sundays. I don't have too much trouble eating a healthy breakfast so I just write a list of healthy breakfast choices and then I pick from the list. I make sure I always have eggs, lots of veggies and fruit, feta cheese, almond milk, protein powder, oatmeal, frozen fruit, etc. on hand. So, I can whip up an omelet, or protein shake in a flash, or oatmeal with fruit and a hardboiled egg.  For me lunch proves to be the hardest meal to eat healthy if I don't plan. Now I make a menu for lunch each week, specific to each day of the week, incorporating lunches out. Usually my lunches consist of some sort of salad with lots of veggies and a protein, maybe even a 6 inch turkey subway sandwich if I know I won't have too much time to prepare my lunch. Dinner is the easiest during the week for me because I usually cook a healthy dinner, but if I don't plan I will end up getting takeout instead. So, plan, plan, plan and then stick to your eating plan menu.
Plan your Moving
Plan your exercise, as well. Don't just say I will go to the gym four times this week. Plan exactly when you will go and mark it in your calendar. And, then just do it. Treat it like an appointment with your most important client. You are after all your most important client, right? Pick different exercises so you won't get bored. Maybe try a new class at the gym. Look at the class schedule online and then make an appointment with yourself to go.

Plan your Believing
This might sound strange, but you need to plan your time to believe in the new you. Set aside some time to - I'm going to say it again - Meditate. I do it first thing when I get up in the morning. I use the restroom (got to do that first thing in the morning!) let Cleopatra out so she can use the restroom, start the coffee and then meditate before I do anything else. I have a timer on my iPad and I set it and just do it!  Another good thing to do at this time is visualize your new healthier self, the way you will feel, the way you will look, what others will say to you, what you will be able to do. Take a few minutes at the beginning of your mediation to visualize the new you!

These are my suggestions to myself  and to you and for using planning to reach our weight release goals! Happy Planning!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My favorite Protein Shake Recipe

Kale/Blueberry Protein Shake

1 cup almond milk
1 scoop protein powder (I like rice protein powder)
1 cup frozen blueberries
large handful of kale
1/2 banana

Put it all in the blender and you have a delicious way to start your day!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Injured? Don't let an injury hinder your progress.

I injured my leg at the beginning of the year, on January 2nd to be exact. I'm not sure exactly what I did to it (the doctor said it was a muscle tear in my hamstring and/or calf), but I was on crutches and could not walk for about three weeks, then I was limping badly. Now four months - a lot of physical therapy, doctor's visits, and pain medication later - I am almost healed. It was hard these last few months to not be able to exercise - I couldn't even take Cleopatra for a walk.

I tried to keep to my eating plan, but it was a little difficult while I wasn't exercising. I have a new appreciation for my body and what it does for me after this incident. When I first hurt my leg I thought to myself "why, why, why, why now?" It was the beginning of January so I had big plans to exercise and eat healthy for the new year.

 Things that I have learned during the last four months:
· Keep up with your eating plan even if you have an injury. Good nutrition is very important for recovery. Take your vitamins. Your body needs extra nutrients to recover. Eat nutrient dense foods.
· Do your strengthening exercises consistently, once you are recovered enough to rehab.
· Don't baby your injury.
· Don't use your injury as an excuse.
· Get back to a regular exercise routine as soon as possible.
· It will be painful when you first start back to exercising. Take it slow, but do exercise.
· Listen to your body when you start back to regular exercise. You probably won't be able to do what you could before the injury at first, but you will improve with time.

Wednesday was my first day back to regular exercise. I did boxing with my trainer. And, it was way harder than it used to be!  But, I know with consistency it will get easier. Today was my first day back at the gym on my own. I did the stationary bike, not the treadmill because my leg is still not quite healed, and the bike is a better option for now. It did hurt!  But, I will continue and increase my intensity and time with each subsequent workout. I hope these tips help you if you have an injury along your fitness journey.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Are you afraid of releasing weight? How can you conquer that fear?

Yesterday I wrote about my bad habits being partially responsible for my lack of progress. But, could there be another reason why I am still on my journey and have not released the weight completely? Could it also be that I am afraid of what my life will be like when I reach my goal weight? I pondered on this and thought that perhaps that could be an issue for many trying to release weight, or trying to do anything different in their lives. I know that I am afraid of releasing the weight, and I am not exactly sure what I am afraid of. But, I don't believe it really matters what someone is afraid of  because it is all a lie.

Are you afraid of releasing weight? You'll know if when your weight starts to go down, your anxiety starts to go up. You'll know if you get to a certain weight and start letting things slide. "Oh, I have lost ten pounds; I deserve a piece of pizza or piece of cake (or two, or three)." You'll know if when people start commenting on how good you look, it throws you into a panic.

Maybe your are afraid of being too attractive, and people paying more attention to you, or maybe you are afraid of having to buy new clothes, or maybe you are afraid the weight loss will change your relationships. These are all lies. Lies that that voice in your head, I call it "the little drunk monkey," says to keep you from your truth - the truth of who you are - your authentic self.

Once someone said to me, "you are not supposed to be this way." I wondered what he meant by that and actually took offence. Now I understand what he meant. He meant that I am not the overweight person that I look like. I am not being my true authentic self, which is a fit, vibrant and healthy woman. And, you too are at fit and healthy person. You see this "little drunk monkey" tell us lies about ourselves, about the future, about other people, and about life. After thinking about this yesterday, I understood that all the things that voice in my head says are only meant to keep me from becoming my authentic self.

I'm sure you have all had "the voice" tell you that you aren't smart enough, you can't do that, you are too fat, you aren't good enough, you are too skinny, you are too old, he or she doesn't like you, it won't work out - the list goes on and on. These are all lies.

So, now we know we have nothing to fear about releasing weight or changing something in our life, and we know that our fear is just "the drunk monkey" telling us things that are NOT true. What next? How do we not listen to "the voice"? I think it all goes back to being present in the moment - being aware and mindful when "the voice" says something negative that it is a lie. Observing what "the voice" has to say, and letting it go is the key. Easier said than done, you say. I think that it does take some practice. Some of you may not have even noticed that "the voice" is telling you these things yet. You will when you slow down and listen. Then the next step is to listen, and to it pass through your thoughts. Let it go - because it is a lie. I believe that meditation helps one slow down and listen, and to observe rather than be a part of what "the little drunk monkey" has to say.

So, my advice to myself and to you is to meditate. I know I said that yesterday, but I am saying it again. Try it. You might enjoy it, and you might just let go of your fear of releasing weight.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What is your resistance to releasing weight? Could it be your habits?

It has been awhile since I have posted. I realized that I haven't posted because I have not been making progress in my weight release journey - a journey that I began three years ago. I took at look at why I haven't been making much progress, and I asked myself some questions. Is it because I don't know what to eat? NO! I'm a Certified Holistic Health Coach and working on my Precision Nutrition Sports and Exercise Nutrition Certification. I know what to eat! Is it because I don't know how to exercise? NO! I know what to do. I am an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer. Is it because I don't want to release the weight? NO! I really, really, really want to do this! Is it because I am a failure? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I don't fail. Those who know be know that I keep trying until I get it right!

 So, then why am I not at my ideal weight?

It could be a couple of reasons - fear of the unknown, and/or habitual behaviors. Today I will talk about habits. Tomorrow I will discuss fear of the unknown.

 Why is changing eating and exercise habits so darn hard to do?

Because we are emotional beings with the ability to rationalize - not rational beings with emotions, our emotional brain takes over in times of stress or different states of consciousness. I don't know how many days I have started off with a great healthy breakfast, healthy lunch, healthy dinner only to have something make me upset and then sit silently in front of the television eating only to find that I have just devoured a large bowl or ice cream or a slice or two of leftover pizza. It seems as though my resolve ebbs and flows - one minute I am completely mindful of what I am eating then the next I don't even know what happened to the carton of ice cream. It's difficult to change habits - even if you are like me and really, really, really want to change. Our brains are telling us to do the same old thing - the thing we are comfortable doing, the thing we know. The unknown can be frightening to our brain. We can rationalize almost anything - I deserve this ice cream because I had a hard day at work, or because my husband is bugging me, or because so and so didn't call, the list goes on and on. Habits are deeply ingrained in our brains - like a hiking trail that has been traveled over and over for years and years. You wouldn't go off the trail if you were hiking - who knows what lies off the path? Right? We take the same route to work every day. We don't think about which way to go to work. Our brains just take us there. It is the same thing with eating and exercising, or anything in life.

 How can we change our habits? And, for me get this weight off for good.

We need to establish new habits. Easier said than done though. Well, yes and no. In thinking about what I need to do to make this happen, I've come up with the following suggestions for myself that you might find useful as well:

 1. Be in the moment - What does this really mean? It means be conscious of what you are doing during each and every moment of your life. Face it - this moment right now is all there is - there is no past and there is no future, just right NOW. I know this intellectually, but am still working on embodying this from the heart (another post for the future). It is almost like I am conscious until dinner on week days, and pretty much not at all on weekends. But, I am getting better at this. Let's face it I used to be completely on auto pilot - always thinking of the past or the future instead of enjoying right now. (More on Being in the Moment in future posts).

 2. Live with ArĂȘte - This is a word that I recently discovered that basically means always to be the best person you can be. Why is this useful in changing habits? If you live with  present moment awareness and at the same time always strive to be the best you can be - would you really eat the bowl of ice cream? I really like this notion. I have known about this word for about six months now, but haven't consciously put it into play in my daily life. I'm going to do this for sure now. I have even designed a sign to put on the refrigerator and a reminder card for my wallet.

 3. Make a Plan and Change it up - Make a plan of what you are going to eat and when you are going to exercise. This could be as simple as having a list of healthy breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners that you can choose from, and the days at times you will exercise. But, here is the caveat that I think will help break those old bad habits - change it up. Change something in your routine. Determine where your unhealthy habits lie in your life and do something to change that routine.  Maybe you don't eat breakfast and then have one of the donuts in the breakroom during your morning break. You know what your unhealthy habits are. For me this is going to be Friday nights. After a long week of working hard, my husband and I oftentimes enjoy a cocktail on Friday night to relax - for me it's wine. Which is fine in general, but for me it triggers bad eating for the entire weekend. So, I need to change this "habit" - I need to find a way to break the pattern. So, maybe I'll now go the movies or perhaps even better go to the gym and do a quick workout.

 4. Meditate - Meditation helps to calm the mind, not only while you are practicing but during the rest of your day as well, giving you the presence of mind to live in the moment, to make plans and to live with ArĂȘte. Meditation has a host of benefits including: reducing stress, building self confidence, lowering blood pressure, etc. (more on mediation in another post). I began meditating somewhat regularly at the beginning of this year. I attended a Chopra Center Meditation Retreat last year and decided that I really wanted to reap the benefits of this practice so I make a pledge to meditate daily at the beginning of the year. I'm not quite at daily yet - I still having problems on the weekends. Surprise. Surprise! I also went to the Perfect Health program at the Center (more on that in another post) and really learned the reasons why meditation is beneficial in daily living.

I could include a long list of things that might help in weight release efforts or changing habits in general, but for now these are the four that I believe are the most important.

 So, what are you going to do to change your bad habits? I know what I'm going to do.