Friday, January 6, 2012

Food is Fuel

Food is the fuel that makes our bodies run. This "fuel" that we put in our bodies really does affect our lives in many ways other than just the calories that this fuel contains. A calorie is not a calorie in my book!  Food affects how well our organs function, our emotions, our energy and stress levels, our memories and much, much more. The "fuel" we put into our bodies is so important in all aspects of living.  What we eat is what our cells are made of, right? So, if we eat fast food and sugar, alcohol and processed foods all the time then that is what our bodies become. A big blog of processed chemicals! Yuck! Besides probably not feeling the best on this type of diet, the biggest effect this type of diet has on our bodies is in the cells we can't even see - causing a host of problems from gastric upset, to dull skin, bad memory, and slow reflexes to a host of diseases. And, this is something that I have always known at least logically, but how good does a piece of pizza or a donut taste?  But, at what cost? Being on day five of my cleanse eating only organic chicken, fish and eggs, and brown rice and a bevy of fruits and vegetables, I am really seeing a big difference in the way I feel. I can't even imagine how I will feel after doing this for 24 days and beyond. My knees don't ache, my skin is clearer, my mind is more focused, and my mood has improved considerably. And this is in only five days!  I don't think that I really ate all that bad before this - I would usually eat pretty healthy during the week, but eat a few things like pizza, pasta and wine on the weekends. Okay, I guess that is pretty bad!  I think that I really get the concept of "food is fuel" now, and I want this “engine” to be at peak performance (it is a Maserati, after all! Haha) so I'm keeping the course. And, I feel great! Not to say that I won't ever eat another piece of pizza or donut again, but if I do I will know that these "foods" (I say this questionably) are not fueling my body.  So, what are you “fueling” your body with?

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